Standard Cremation Urn Sizes

What Size Cremation Urn Do You Need?
Face it. You don't urn shop every day. Don't be intimidated, here are the basics for selecting the right size. Safeguarding the ashes of a loved one is the essential function of an urn. They're also intended to be a means of capturing the personality of a lost loved one. Size, function, and style are the keys.
Volume of Ashes Left After Cremation
As a general rule of thumb, 1 pound of body weight amounts to 1 cubic inch of ash. This is a general guide, but know that even if your loved one weighed over 200 pounds, a standard size adult cremation urn should work.
Standard Dimensions for an Adult-Sized Urn
The average displacement of an adult human cremation urn is 180-200 cubic inches. Note that we said "average". Bone density, height, and processing of the cremains impact the volume. But as an average rule, if you plan to keep all the ashes, you'll want an urn of 200 cubic inch capacity. Most of Urn Garden's adult size containers are 180-300 cubic inches.
Standard Dimensions for Companion Urns
Are you looking for an urn that will hold the ashes of two people? A companion urn is designed to contain the complete cremains (ashes) of two adults. On average, this kind of cremation urn has a volume capacity range of 400-500 cubic inches. Most of the styles in this category are oversized double capacity and the ashes will be co-mingled. There are a couple of styles that do have dividers allowing for separation. The oversized urns are also used for large individuals whose weight exceeds the capacity on a standard size container.
Standard Dimensions for Small Keepsake Urns
Keepsake cremation urns are the smallest on the market (besides jewelry). These urns hold trace amounts of cremated remains half the amount of a standard adult sized urn. Sometimes families will purchase several of the small sizes to divide the cremains and create small memorials.
Traveling With the Ashes: Getting Through the Airport
If you plan to fly with the ashes, special considerations are in order for the airport. TSA requires that you have an urn that will pass through the scanner. Wood, biodegradable, or ceramic should be acceptable. Security will not open the urn under any circumstances. In order to avoid delays or other inconveniences educate yourself regarding transporting an urn on an airplane.
The selection of a cremation urn is one of the first steps in memorializing your loved one. Urn Garden offers many creative ways to pay tribute to your cherished lost one. When shopping for an urn, consider style and personality. What material do you prefer? Favorite colors or passions? Cremation urns made from metal, wood, ceramic and marble can be personalized with brass nameplates and medallions. Keepsakes and jewelry are designed to contain the partial remains of an adult, or the complete cremains of an infant or youth.
If you choose to have a ceremony or funeral-memorial service, it is appropriate to have an urn containing the cremains or ashes present. However, for those of the Catholic faith, local permission may be required for cremated remains to be present at Mass. Check with your priest to see what the requirements are for your diocese.
Have questions? We can help. Feel free to contact us or call 1-888-876-1467.