Love the clovers on Rosie’s dress, looks lucky!
Saw my first Hummingbird this week. I’ve been waiting.
Garden Report: Lovely, productive weekend, put some fresh cat litter down in my flower beds….. here’s ONE of the poopers.
Clematis, iris and peonies in bloom.
Sunday, breakfast with my tribe. Someday, I plan to start a category called “Adventures with Etta Mae.” That’s another post for another time.
The pressure is on to complete household tasks before intern returns for duty. Seems we work better under pressure. Stuff Reduction Program continues.
The glass artist known as Terry Bloodworth finally came through with some beautiful keepsakes that we’ll add to the collection. Worth the wait.

That’s all the time today. Enjoy the week!
Today’s tip for better living: Get around, get off, get away, get ahead, and get together!