Miss you already……
In another life we drifted off to sleep with Tom in the background.
Known for his improvised, casual style and robust laughter, Snyder conducted a number of memorable interviews as host of NBC’s “The Tomorrow Show.” Among his guests were John Lennon, Charles Manson and Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols.
On the print side of media, our friends at Embalmed to the Max introduced us on to an interesting online diary of an obituary writer.
The writer’s reference to her father struck a chord:
My father loves this garden. But he is consciously shedding it from his life, as he is shedding the house and all the accumulations of the years: the saucepans and chairs, the postcards and birthday cards, the blankets and stamp albums, the holiday ciné films. He is perfectly happy, he says, to move to a pleasant empty room for the rest of his days. He is stripping down, getting ready. Meanwhile, outside, Nature is slowly erasing his projects in creeping roots and seeds.
Today’s tip for better living: “Fire up a colortini, sit back, relax, and watch the pictures, now, as they fly through the air.”