Yesterday, on 9/11 many were remembering that terrible day. Nobody wants to re-live that morning, although it does help to appreciate my small life, and my non-problems that were unfolding that crispy morning.
Smart girl, that Tilly.
Tilly’s Location: 59th Floor office, center of South Tower’s west side:
A horrific boom resounded throughout the office, so loud that it reminded me of a supersonic jet screaming right next to the window, only 10 times louder. The building shook so severely that I had to grab the desk to keep my footing! Instantly, I spun around and ran into my boss office to look out the window facing west into New Jersey. Stepping up on the air conditioning vent, I pressed my face and body against the window (not the smartest move, but it gave me a perspective on how severe the situation was). I saw monumental amounts of debris blowing by and raining down everywhere: chunks of burning metal, papers, desks — and bodies.
I could not believe what I was seeing.
Although we had a good evacuation procedure in place, I was not going to wait for it to be dictated to me. I grabbed my backpack, then a frightened Karen, and stressed in a loud, forceful manor laced with foul language (using everything in the book and then some!) that everyone needed to move now! I didn’t know at that moment what had occurred, but I knew that we were all in grave trouble, and that our best course of action was to be as close to the ground as we could go…
59 Flights of Stairs:
I like the way this girl thinks:
When we reached the 38th floor, the now controversial P.A. announcement was issued that we should either return to our floor or exit onto the floor where we were, but to stay in the building because the falling debris made it unsafe to be outside, and our South Tower was not yet secure. No one going down in the stairwell stopped…
It took me exactly 17 minutes to get down 59 flights of stairs because eventually it turned out to be the time difference between the two planes hitting each tower.
And that’s just a quick trip to the lobby…..
Definitely a story to be archived.
Today’s tip for better living: Layer your clothing.
Wow what a story. I would have been “outta there” too asap.
My family visited the towers back in 2000 or so. We went to the top. I am not afraid of heights, and the view was impressive. I could not wait, however, to get “outta there” even then. I felt trapped, terribly trapped and was very happy to have my feet on the ground below.