We decided to push it on the elliptical machine this week, and nearly stroked out. A couple of people wanted to know if I’d been crying. It was that bad. Not my best look.
Whenever I encounter a dedicated fit person, if they’ll allow it, I shake their hand and try to download some of their power. However, I think the timing is off, I need to catch them before the workout and not after….when they are all limp and sweaty. Somehow, the energy is not transferring.
Overheard: one lady trying to get credit for the spin class she’d signed up for. Turns out, she felt like she’d been assaulted by a bike seat.
A yoga nugget from June-I’m-Gonna-Eat That:
I was nearing the end of the workout, and we went into Corpse Pose, which many say is the hardest pose to master. You lie on your back, hands at your side, and completely relax. You don’t move. It’s harder than it sounds.
“You look actually dead,” Marvin said between spaghetti consumption. “Now I’m picturing you actually dead and I’m getting upset.”
Who knew that corpse pose was difficult to master? Now it makes sense. I once had a yoga teacher who would scold me for twitching while trying to relax in corpse pose. That helps.
Fitness attire in the office: It’s what not to wear. In another life I worked in an office with a co-worker who was training for a marathon. He’d do an early morning run and then stroll the halls in his costume, stopping to stretch occasionally as the eight o’clock crowd started rolling in. There were several mornings that I spewed hot coffee upon a sighting.
Yay, I was quoted! And really, triangle pose is way harder than corpse, for me anyway. But I have never actually relaxed in my life, so what do I know about relaxing into corpse pose?
Was this other office a TV station? Was the marathon trainer a weatherman? Were his initials RON HEARST?
That guy would run up and down Kansas Expressway, AGAINST TRAFFIC, in the shortest shorts available, shirtless, regardless of weather conditions.
A local TV anchor in my neighborhood does the same thing – every freaking day. Goes with the job, I guess.