For me, a good indicator of caffeine overload is when I spring out of my chair for no apparent reason. That’s when I usually call a meeting with the advisory team and take a stroll.
This past week has been so golden that it’s hard to stay in the house and I had the good fortune of touring one of my neighbor’s rose gardens. She planted these beauties 56 years ago. She thinks they look terrible, she doesn’t have the energy these days to care for them. Although, I’ve admired her work from afar, I’d never seen them up close. To my untrained eye, they were gorgeous.
She was also kind enough to give me cuttings of this unknown flower that an elderly friend had given her years ago. I can’t wait to sprinkle the seeds next spring.
Added bonus, she revealed the secret to fighting the powdery mildew that is so prevalent in the hood. Even more remarkable about this lady and master gardener? She’s blind.
So I’m walking along, passed under the big green tree and literally got misted. The thing sprayed me right in the face! Why you cryin’? Notice that the sidewalk is dry except for directly under the tree.
I plucked a leaf to see if it was sticky or wet, actually felt a little oily. Can I get a tree id over here please?
Meet My Lovers:
Dragon, the Chihuahua. Adorable.
And darling Hoover across the street, who’s new and has separation anxiety. Every time his owners leave he starts the barking. I may work him into the advisory team meetings to divert his attention.
A little further down the road, there was this loud and proud display:
Work it!
And speaking of working it, when I arrived back to the World Headquarters, this effer was hunting out of the birdbath.
Looking down, at first I thought this metal piece was off of the lawn mower, and then I realized it’s some sort of crow bar. I promptly went and checked all my doors and windows…….
Paranoid much?
I need the powdery mildew secret. We have a really old rosebush that I fight with! Love those purple flowers, have no clue what they are, or that oily tree! Funky! Love the cat, crowbar is a bit creepy!
Yeah, if I found a crowbar near my house, I’d flip out too!
Your leaf is from a Tuliptree — (I was thinking some Maple at first, but was wrong!)
Hey Cleanser, thanks for the id.