Recently, I had the good fortune to connect with a local blogger who inspired me with several stories of her life experiences. She graciously allowed me to share a very touching memorial service that she participated in:
My dear friend Leslie was my roommate my freshman year at Drury College and also a sorority sister. She died of cancer in 1997 and Sally and I still are pissed at her because she naturally went out in the most awesome way.
Before she died, she instructed her husband, Bob, to take a group of us to Monterey, CA for a weekend – all expenses paid at a B&B including gourmet meals and on her birthday, we all climbed aboard a boat and had the captain take us beyond the 3-mile mark where we had a memorial service and spread her ashes.
Bob brought her favorite flowers, coral roses, for us to throw on top of the ashes and we were all incredibly weepy until somone started telling “Leslie stories” which had us all in tears of laughter which lasted through her memorial luncheon at the Monterey Aquarium. Leave it to Leslie to set the bar so damned high in life AND in death!
Hi Lenette – so glad we connected and I love this post. You should read “Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral” for more ideas. Also, I put “Liars and Saints” on reserve at the library but can’t remember the name of the book you were reading yesterday! Hope to see you soon – keep in touch.