Cremation Urns with the image of the hummingbird have been popular with our families for years. Often the buyer will tell us that their loved one adored hummingbirds and was often out in the yard or garden enjoying nature and kept feeders full to attract the little birds.
Urns featuring the symbol of the hummingbirds come in a variety of materials ranging from metal to ceramic and many can be personalized. This attractive style is a calm shade of blue with a beautiful image of a hummingbird in flight sipping sweet nectar.
A Few Fun Facts About the Hummingbird and What it Represents as a Spirit Animal:
Hummingbirds represent all that is enjoyable about life. Those drawn to this animal fully take in the sweetness of life and love no matter what they are doing. While small in stature, hummingbirds are capable of fascinating feats such as flying backward or flying even long distances. Those who have hummingbirds as their symbols are inspired to continue developing their adaptability to various surroundings while maintaining their positive outlook.
There are more than 300 species of hummingbirds, and they all share many of the same characteristics including being very swift. They are the tiniest of all birds weighing less than an ounce and measuring up to four inches long. They communicate by producing a hum noise with strong wing beats.

Is the Hummingbird Your Totem?
If you feel a strong connection to the hummingbird and feel that it plays an important role in your life, then it just may be your totem. Hummingbirds pass their energy on to you, as well as their zest for life, love of peace and playful quality. The hummingbird also needs much rest so it stays refreshed.
Hummingbirds remind us to take a look at how we are using our energy and resources. Are you wasting your energy worrying about or fearing something?
Hummingbirds as a Messenger of Love and Joy
To Native Americans, hummingbirds represent endless joy and the Nectar of Life. They are also seen as messengers of jubilation and love. With their swift action, they aggressively seek out those who want and need inspiration, renewal and rejuvenation.

Hummingbird Dreams
If a hummingbird flies through your dreams, it often means that small concepts and ideas possess greater potential and power. However, it can also mean the opposite. The tiny birds can represent a person’s frivolous ideas and flighty thoughts.
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