First we salute the claw! We don’t care that the city is millions over budget on the clean-up process! It’s worth every penny! And the smoky haze that hangs over the city tonight? Breathe deeply, it’s the smell of a controlled burn !

Next, check out my peeping tom who visits everyday and watches me work. I snapped him from my desk, I love technology!

Ok, that was a test just to see if I could post a picture without assistance.
Friday wraps up Technology Week in the garden, and I’ve saved this last topic for today. Since we sell the product that no one wants to buy and discuss topics that no one wants to hear, I’m just going to touch on the big business of “body disposal” or “tissue procurement” if you prefer. Links with more information are included if you’d like to read on. Advisory warning, it’s grim, but raises some interesting ethical questions and the funeral industry is tuned in…’s a hot topic, body snatchers have been trading cadavers for cash for as long as anatomists have demanded them, but it’s only recently that human remains could make one rich. Every day, biotechnology is driving up the value of your component parts. Low estimates put the present value of a single cadaver at $100,000. But in the current system, only someone else could get that money. The legal resale value of your body, to you, is precisely $0.
Can I get a lung over here?
Today’s tip for better living: Do some crazy hand jive.