No death talk today.
A couple of topics that have been on my mind; Time and Politics. Two of the major reasons I cashed out of the corporate world. Let’s start with politics. Not office politics, that’s a manageable sport. Dirtsister speaks of the real deal, the hustle, the spending orgy known as the Campaign. Here we go. The media is already ramping up for the next wave and I’m reminded of the promise that I made to myself during a stint at the tee-vee factory: flee before the next election.
One of my favorite authors, the good Dr. HST, accurately describes a medical condition known as “Campaign Bloat”. A swelling of the adrenal glands. “The body’s entire adrenaline supply is sucked back into the gizzard, and nothing either candidate says, does, or generate will cause it to rise again…and without adrenaline, the flesh begins to swell; the eyes fill with blood and grow small in the face, the jowls puff out from the cheekbones, the neck-flesh droops, and the belly swells up like a frog’s throat…the brain fills with noxious waste fluids, the tongue is rubbed raw on the molars, and the basic perception antennae begin dying like hairs in a bonfire.”
Smells like burning feathers.
Time. I found this interesting question posed on verypink and wondered what Dirtsister would tell her 15 year old self. Hmmm.
Always fascinated with ancient civilizations, we found this blurb regarding time: “The Mayan calendar, devised several centuries before the birth of Christ, is still more precise than the one we use today: They had the solar year broken down to exactly 365.24 days, and 12 lunar months of 29.5 days each. None of this sloppy “leap year” business, or odd-numbered months.”
Today’s tip: Know six things you would do if you were president.