Today a family called looking for an urn with the image of a griffin. I love the idea of this ancient symbol of protection on a cremation urn.
We’ve got a couple of griffins out in the garden. The legendary Griffin symbol is a fascinating creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Variations of ancient lore say the griffin builds a nest, like an eagle (female?) and lays sapphires instead of eggs, and protects the gold. The feather of a griffin and the talon both are supposed to have medicinal properties so powerful that it can even restore sight to the blind!
The deceased collected griffins and even had a gryphon on his wedding ring. His ashes will be divided, and will be buried with a grandson and some of the family pets who passed earlier, including the ashes of the beloved Yorkie. The “baby”. The widow carries a bit of “baby Yorkie” in a small keepsake urn on her key chain.
At the memorial service the family incorporated griffin sculpture, statues, and relics among the family photo display.