Can this be purchased as a two person urn

( Karen Eaton, 12/05/2021 )

No this does not come in a companion urn. We do have a section of companion urns on site.

( 12/07/2021 )

I am looking at this for my 26 year old son who died this month..I have "half" of his ashes and his father has the other half. I wanted to know if the ones that I have will fit in this box. My son was 6'4 and about 180lbs. Also,he had a 2011 Mustang,black and can the picture be in color or does it have to be black and white? Thank you. Dawn A.

( Dawn, 06/07/2020 )

So sorry for your loss. This size will work. Photo can be color or b/w. Whatever you think will look best. 

( 06/08/2020 )